What’s wrong with your water?

Bottled Water

A single bottle of water has a significant impact on your body. Bottled water is purified and stripped of beneficial minerals and nutrients. You also consume all the toxins that make up a plastic water bottle.

Tap Water

Despite its convenience, tap water is laden with numerous chemicals, heavy metals, and toxins. Byproducts of tap water, when left unfiltered, pose numerous health risks for any person at any age.


Most common filter processes today leave behind virtually nothing except H2O. This water cannot reach cells and provide the therapeutic, hydrating, or alkalizing effects at the cellular level.




  • Decrease Plastic & Waste

  • Reduce Carbon Footprint

  • Provide Cleaner Oceans

  • Helping Global Ecosystems

  • Create a Bright Green Future


  • Reduce Health Bills

  • Decrease Plastic Bottle Use

  • Use Less Household Cleaners

  • Use Less Beauty Products

  • More Time


“Kangen Water has helped me in so many ways… mostly with my sleep.  I no longer suffer from chronic migraines or insomnia.  Even my son notices the difference! My son never liked water and now he loves it.  He even stopped drinking soda! This machine is a health investment, not an expense.”

“Shortly after buying my machine I tore my hamstring in an alumni game.  So I loaded up on 9.56 Kangen Water and within 3 days I was walking normal with 75% range of motion.  No pain.  Those of you that have had a sports injury know that that defies the laws of science!  Just drinking it for a month or two I feel 10 years younger.”

“I was sick with the flu when I was introduced to Kangen Water.  I had severe symptoms for over two weeks and recovered with just two gallons!  It got me so excited to learn more about how the water would improve my family health.  It didn’t take long for me to see the value in owning one for myself.  Best decision ever!”

“I had chronic eczema and dry skin since I could remember and nothing worked.  I always ate healthy but stress made it worse.  A month of drinking this water and spraying the Strong Acidic water topically, I saw a massive difference.  By week six, it was gone!  I also feel less bloated, have more energy and even my face cleared up.”

“I feel so blessed to have been introduced to the water.  Its truly made an impact in my family for the long run and changed how we think about health.  Change your water, change your life is a true testament because it first started with better sleep and more energy and just became an incredible ripple effect in all aspects of my family’s health.”

“I always seek natural remedies and holistic health therapy for my family.  I haven’t found a single thing that makes me feel physically better than Kangen Water.  My favorite is the 11.5 strong Kangen Water that cleans off the toxic pesticides from my produce.  I can’t believe what I was feeding my family before we had out Kangen machine!”

“I used to think water was just water until I learned what I was actually putting into my body.  I realized I was already over paying for water and this device would not only save me money, but also improve my family health and help save the environment.  Once I learned about Kangen Water there was no going back!  It was a no brainer.”

“My family always dreaded flu season but this year we all stayed healthy!  Can’t tell you for sure if it was the water but that’s the only thing we changed.  Ever since I got my machine, my skin has improved, and my acne has vanished.  Couldn’t be happier with this investment.”

“At five months pregnant, I was always exhausted, nauseas, and has chronic migraines.  After I got my machine, literally within the first day my nausea and migraines were gone!  Now that I’ve been on the water over five months, my energy picked up immensely and my husband’s acid reflux and my daughters eczema hasn’t returned.”

“I used to suffer from seizures almost once a month.  I’ve had my machine for over a year now and I love it because my doctor took me off my medication and I feel so much more energetic and positive than before.  I no longer feel heavy and sluggish with the side effects of the meds.  Its definitely one of the best investments I’ve ever made.”

“I’m so glad I learned about Kangen Water and all the health benefits it can provide for my family.   Its important to me that I provide the best and safest water for my kids, so making this investment was easy decision for me.  I love all the versatile options it gives, how it saves money, and that its much better for the environment.”

“When I was five I was diagnosed with a rare kidney disease.  Within 4 months drinking Kangen Water, the doctors took me off my medication I was on for over 20 years and my blood work came back normal for the first time in my life!  I absolutely love Kangen Water.  It saved my life!”

I invested in my Kangen machine because I immediately saw how it would improve my family health.  My family unfortunately has a history with high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and even cancer.  Its not only saving money but potentially saving lives of those I really love.”